What’s up With Ukraine’s Media Regulation in August 2024?

In August, Ukraine became one step closer towards the formal EU accession process by designing the constituency of its negotiation groups. The MPs continued debating the issue of platform regulation and blocking, averting the adoption of Draft Law #11115, potentially liable for harming Internet freedoms. A number of important soft law recommendations advising on media content production were published and endorsed by the authorities this month.

The most notable events happening in this period were:

  • the formation of an EU accession interdepartmental working group and negotiation groups by the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • the submission to the Parliament of the new draft law amending the Law “On Sanctions” and adding website blocking as a type of sanction therein;
  • the dismissal of the initial version of Draft Law #11115 requiring platforms to open offices in Ukraine and establishing their monetary liability for not removing singular pieces of illegal content;
  • the publication of the recommendations on the use of AI in advertising and marketing by the Ministry for Digital Transformation.

This series of digests provides an overview of the proposed and adopted legislation in the spheres of freedom of expression, media regulation, privacy and data protection, Internet regulation in general, and the activities of the National Broadcasting Council in the area of Media Law implementation.

As usual, the digest contains references to the documents discussed in the previous issues of the digest and provides a follow-up to the acts and events described therein.

You can access the August 2024 digest here.